14 March 2017

NEXOGON: Globeships

Posted by Admin
One of my intentions when selecting builders for the NEXOGON parts festival using LEGO® part 27255 was to risk including people I'd never heard of. Kev Levell used to build but that was eight or so years ago. However his renewed enthusiasm and ideas were so infectious, I just had to put him on the list! I'm already glad I did: here's his first bunch of creations for your enjoyment.

The Nexo Big Thing

An alien flies his old globeship...

 ...to his local ship dealer for a trade-in...

...but soon decides to upgrade.

How I got there...

I had awoken from near hibernation, very nearly a second "dark age" when I found New Elementary. I had been looking for a way to kick-start my own MOC building again when I saw Tim's initial Nexogon post and, after his subsequent call out for new contributors, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

I initially wanted to see if I could build a ball and I couldn’t wait to start experimenting. I had quite a store of Plate 1X2 W/Holder, Vertical (or Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Clips Horizontal (Design ID 60470b) and Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Handle on Side - Closed Ends (48336), so I found one of the NEXO KNIGHTS™ blind bags 70372 Combo NEXO Powers and also made a semi-pre-emptive BrickLink order. I knew it wouldn't be with me for a while and at this stage I didn’t know whether Tim would choose me for the parts festival, but in my excitement I got a bit carried away with a parts experiment.

I sent this to Tim in the hopes of convincing him to take a chance on me... which worked! When the deluge of Nexogons fell from within Tim's envelope I began digging through boxes of unsorted pieces for more and alternate ‘hinges’ and other construction methods. I had initially wanted to add lots of greebling, using as many parts as I could, but then I kind of felt that it took away from the fabulous shapes and patterns created by the very nature of the shape of the Nexogon.

I started along the globe path and made three different sizes and whilst I was happy with them, I felt they lacked something, even when I added greebling, so I turned them into three spaceships.

Click any image to view it larger.

Nexo Globeship 1

Nexo Globeship 2 

Nexo Globeship 3

I'll show more detail of how I built this large globe in my next post, as I used it for my next project... inspired by the news that the sequel to The LEGO Movie will be set in space!

Products mentioned in this post were kindly supplied by the LEGO Group. All content represents the opinions of New Elementary authors and not the LEGO Group.


  1. These are beautiful. Nice work!

    1. Thank you, I had a lot of fun doing them!

  2. These are glorious Kevin - I particularly love the curves on Nexo Globeship 2. Really lovely work.

    1. Thanks Neil, I appreciate that from a builder of your calibre. I really enjoyed your post on the exploration of the Nexogon, real food for thought and quite inspirational! Your M-Tron ship was brilliant too!

  3. I think its phenomenal the way you built each of these to look the same in terms of general shape, but the builds are so different! Great work!

    ps. the story is pretty cute! : )

    1. Thanks. Once I had the three spheres built it was mostly a case of trial and error! The smallest came together pretty quickly but each one was successively more time consuming... especially when I dropped the big one!
      Glad you like the story too!

    2. Ouch! Just thinking about dropping that makes me cringe.

  4. Very nice! The shaping is superb. I'm especially liking the back of the biggest ship, with all the greebling. They're all very nice. Also, nice figbarfs, and the story's cute and funny. :) I'm happy to see more out of you, and can't wait to see what you bring to the table next! :)

    1. Oh, forgot to mention, you have a pretty updated parts collection for being out of LEGO for eight years! I assume you had simply dialed down the purchasing and building?

    2. Thank you so much! I'm really pleased the ships have been so well received!
      Yeah, I've actually still been buying the odd set I like the look of and if a cool looking new part has been made, I've tried to obtain them from Bricklink when I've been able to!

  5. These are nifty! I like the use of the 6x6 dish in the small one.

    1. Thanks Duncan, I really liked your drop pod, something I'd not seen before!

  6. Lego movie... space... what ? Nothing on the Brickset news page ... ?

    1. I first read the news here:
      But it's also here too:
      Both sources quote the director... I'm taking that as reason enough to get excited about the possibility of some new classic space elements, maybe even more new classic spacemen!?

  7. These are great, really like the first two. When I read that you bought a 70372 Combo NEXO Powerspack, I wondered why you would get one because I didn't see any 2 x 3 pentagonal tiles in your builds. So I clicked the link... and I had no idea the packs included a nexogon!

    So thanks for the builds and the information (can you guess what I'll be buying this weekend?)

    1. Thanks!
      The bags do have a Nexogon in them, it is a cheaper way to get them than in those other sets. I ended up getting five from the blind bags but it still adds up pretty quickly!

  8. Fantastic builds, drive away the darkness and keep building!

    1. Thank you, high praise indeed! I'll try :)
