31 October 2019

2019 Skærbæk Workshop: the round grey bits

Posted by Admin
In September 2019 we ran a workshop at the Skaerbaek Fan Weekend in Denmark. 60 AFOLs were given two hours to make interesting stuff using some of the newest LEGO® parts, and a supply of mostly random brick stock. Of the hundreds of models and tablescraps created, we are presenting some of the most interesting to inspire your own creations. My thanks to the SFW organisers, the New Elementary team on the day and our cheery photographer, Andrew Tipping.

Today's selection of creations feature interesting uses of the various circular Medium Stone Grey/ Light Bluish Gray pieces we included in the seed parts: Sphere 3X3X11/3, W/ Knob (49308 | 6263183), Plate 4X4, Circle, W/ 2 Knobs (32627 | 6250188) and finally Motorcycle Rim Ø 75 Solid (46334 | 6268590). Of course the builders used other seed parts too, but hey I've got to string these posts together somehow.

Patrick Koningh “Mad Scientist with Death Ray”

30 October 2019

2019 Skærbæk Workshop: the crook bit

Posted by Admin
In September 2019 we ran a workshop at the Skaerbaek Fan Weekend in Denmark. 60 AFOLs were given two hours to make interesting stuff using some of the newest LEGO® parts, and a supply of mostly random brick stock. Of the hundreds of models and tablescraps created, we are presenting some of the most interesting to inspire your own creations. My thanks to the SFW organisers, the New Elementary team on the day and our cheery photographer, Andrew Tipping.

We were surprised how popular the shepherd's staff, or crook (Tool, No. 10 in Medium Azure – 49492 | 6256157) proved at the workshop, so what better way to start this Parts Festival than to look at the creative ideas people came up with. Sadly the curved section is thinner than 3.18mm and so clips cannot connect to it, but that didn't stop them.

Axel Meyer “Curtain”

29 October 2019

Inside LEGO® Campus: Opening the new HQ

Posted by Admin
We're such teases... we were going to start our Skærbæk workshop results today but Francesco Spreafico has delivered this hot-off-the-press tale of the new LEGO® headquarters. He attended the opening of its first phase yesterday to give us all a glimpse inside the workings of The LEGO Group.

In July 2016, The LEGO Group announced their plans for their new headquarters in Billund, that would take the place of the then-current HQ, located in the street called Åstvej (where they’d been since the 1970s) and the Højmarksvej factory behind it that had recently been decommissioned. The LEGO House was almost ready and this project seemed to follow its steps, proposing a wonderfully modern building surrounded by nature, once more right in the middle of Billund. Soon after the announcement the construction works started and, as it often is the case, an observation point was also set up, so that the public could see how the works proceeded. Eventually even the old HQ were taken down and nothing else was left.

Fast-forward to yesterday, when the so-called “first phase” of the building officially opened! The whole “Campus” (as it is called now) will be finished in 2021 but a first section is ready (with 500 employees out of the 2000 that will be there in two years).

28 October 2019

2019 Parts Fest #2: Introducing the Elements

Posted by Admin
Well our previous Parts Festival ended just weeks ago but we are ready to crack on with our next one! Over the coming weeks we will be showing you creations from the workshop we held at Skærbæk Fan Weekend in September which included many of these parts, and then we'll bring you creations made by our select group of AFOL builders from around the world.

26 October 2019

LEGO® House videos: fans and their models in the Masterpiece Gallery

Posted by Admin
Following on from our interview with fan builder Simon Hundsbichler & LEGO® Senior Experience Designer Stuart Harris, here are some videos that LEGO made on the day that AFOLs installed their models in the Masterpiece Gallery, which we have been given permission to publish.

They feature many of the builders chosen to display in LEGO House and the fabulous models. Even if you have been lucky enough to see these models in the Masterpiece Gallery already, you will enjoy this as many models are out of their cases and there are some 360° spins in there too.

22 October 2019

LEGO® House interview: Fan designer Simon Hundsbichler & LEGO Designer Stuart Harris

Posted by Admin
On 26 September 2019, LEGO® House threw a party for AFOLs to mark the second anniversary of its inauguration. Among the events was the reveal of the fan models chosen to appear in the Masterpiece Gallery for the coming year, including three creations by Simon Hundsbichler (Simon NH) from Austria who you may recall participating in our 2018 Parts Festival. We met up with Simon for a chat and were joined by Stuart Harris, Senior Experience Designer at the LEGO House, for some context and information about how AFOLs and their artworks are chosen.

What are the intentions of the Masterpiece Gallery, Stuart?

Stuart: When Kjeld was dreaming up the idea of doing LEGO House, the fans were an integral part of his plans so they’ve been involved in everything – even reviewing the architecture and giving us input, which is why we have this giant 2x4 brick on top of the building. So they’ve always been planned in, to be a permanent part of the LEGO House. We have a number of places where the fans can showcase their work and the ‘main’ showcase, if you like, is here in the Masterpiece Gallery. This is the one place where we put together fan collections.

19 October 2019

Contest: update

Posted by Admin
Just a couple of quick important things to mention about our competition, Recycle my Bicycle.
  • The closing date is now eight days away: 11:59pm GMT on Sunday 27 October 2019.
  • Unfortunately the five winners will not receive their prize until January or February 2020. Because The LEGO Group are providing the prizes and the busy Christmas period is soon upon them, they've said they can't order the deliveries until January – and because of the backlog, it may take until February to arrive. We're really sorry about this but it is out of our hands.

16 October 2019

LEGO® Ideas review: 21320 Dinosaur Fossils

Posted by Elspeth De Montes
Back in early 2017, Fan Designer Jonathan Brunn launched his idea "Dinosaurs Fossils Skeletons - Natural History Collection" on the LEGO® Ideas platform. Some two and a half years later, two dinosaur skeletons and a pterosaur reptile have made it to the final product, with a little extra surprise or two included.

Announced today, 21320 Dinosaur Fossils has 910 pieces and is priced at US$59.99/ €59.99/ UK£54.99 and will be available from 1 November, 2019. So let's brush off the dirt and uncover the bones of this latest Ideas set.

15 October 2019

2019 Parts Fest #1: Duncan Lindbo's star-stuff

Posted by Admin
Yes, our completed LEGO® Parts Festival came back again! But it definitely finishes today, and what better way than with a creation by Duncan Lindbo who has really pushed the boat out with this festival

Everything is made of star-stuff, to paraphrase the late, great Carl Sagan. In the case of this MOC, that’s not just true in an abstract cosmic sense, it’s true in a more literal “I used a bunch of the new star pieces”.

I was casting around for ideas when it dawned on me that because the stars (Design Plate, 4X4X2/3, No. 1 in Bright Yellow/ Yellow – 6248804|39611) are two plates high, with a one plate high base and one plate high points, two columns of stars would mesh together easily. Throw a few meshed columns together, and they looked like the teeth of a gigantic shredder.

14 October 2019

2019 Parts Fest #1: Ben Tritschler's Bone Fish

Posted by Admin
There's been a surprise rebirth of the LEGO® Parts Festival we ran in August and September! Two more models have just surfaced so we will bring them to you today and tomorrow, in advance of the next Parts Festival which kicks off very soon. Ben Tritschler (modestolus on Instagram and Flickr) was unfortunately unable to participate but has recently had time to create something. Ben is a member of the German online community RogueBricks and likes building all themes but recently has preferred Castle.

The first time I saw the shoulder pad, I knew I had to build a fish. The result is a a little scene in a museum and it shows the exhibit of the New Elementary Bone Fish – or to give it its Latin name: Nova Elementum Ossa Piscis.

12 October 2019

LEGO® CITY review: 60234 People Pack - Fun Fair

Posted by Elspeth De Montes
While we tend not to to focus on minifigures heavily here at New Elementary, we often look at minifigure accessories, body wear and headgear as they can often be utilised within builds completely differently than being simple minifigure elements. 60234 People Pack Fun Fair (available at Amazon.com – paid link) was released this summer and contains enough interesting, new elements for us to take a closer look.

60234 People Pack Fun Fair contains 183 elements, 14 minifigures and is priced at  £34.99 / $39.99 / 39.99€.

09 October 2019

LEGO® FABULAND® Lives On: the hidden side

Posted by Elspeth De Montes
This year marks 40 years since The LEGO Group (TLG) launched the LEGO® FABULAND® theme, which ran until 1989. To celebrate this, we've been running an occasional series of articles here at New Elementary called Fabuland Lives On! We're examining the surprising effect that this theme for 3-7 year olds has had upon the LEGO® System, and the hearts of fans.

So far we have looked at the colours and the elements that are still present in sets today. This third post focuses on some of Elspeth's favourite Fabuland elements that popped up unexpectedly in other themes over the years but sadly are no longer in production; the hidden side of Fabuland.

06 October 2019

LEGO® Build a Minifigure: Exclusive elements from October 2019

Posted by Admin
Every three months, new LEGO® elements are added to the Build a Minifigure towers in LEGO Stores worldwide and recently The LEGO Group have started including some pieces in exclusive colours or with decorations not found in sets. Erik H. (HokayBricks) has scrutinised October's offerings for you!

The parts described below are all completely new – they have not appeared in any officially released set prior to the 1 October 2019 Quarter 4 (Q4) batch of new parts for Build a Minifigure (BAM) Towers. All previous iterations of the parts have been referenced along with their origins.

04 October 2019

LEGO® Hidden Side review: 70423 Paranormal Intercept Bus 3000

Posted by Admin
Continuing our examination of the new LEGO® Hidden Side theme, Ben Davies (ProfessorBrickkeeper) takes a look at 70423 Paranormal Intercept Bus 3000 which is now available priced £54.99 / $59.99 / 59.99€.

For all the different LEGO® buses produced over the years, there’s been surprisingly few depictions of school buses. Historically, LEGO has instead opted to reproduce public transport and tour buses. With the launch of LEGO Hidden Side 70423 Paranormal Intercept Bus 3000, they have finally rectified the situation. The Paranormal Intercept Bus 3000 is modeled off of a typical American school bus, retrofitted with various gizmos and gadgets to help heroes Jack, Parker, and J.B. defeat the ghosts of the Hidden Side.

01 October 2019

Old Elementary: Insectoids legs

Posted by Admin
Duncan Lindbo returns today with another look at a weird LEGO® part from history and how it might be used in your creations today.

Today, we’re going to venture back into the dark days of the 1990s once again and take a look at some more parts from the Insectoids theme. Last time, we looked at some of the properties of the Insectoid wings; this time we’re looking at the legs. Bug legs! Weird biomechanical big legs!