28 December 2024

Parts review: January 2025 LEGO® DREAMZzz™ sets

Posted by Elspeth De Montes
a range of lego parts, many printed with faces

January 2025 brings a new wave of LEGO® DREAMZzz™ sets, a theme that is known to often supply new moulds and printed and recoloured parts. With 7 sets in this wave ranging from a poly paper-based bag set with 53 parts to the largest set with 1006 parts,  there's plenty of new element-spotting to get on with.

Products in this article were gifted by The LEGO Group; the author's opinions are their own.
This article contains affiliate links to LEGO.com; we may get a small commission if you purchase.

Page contents

30698 Cooper's Flying Controller Mini Build

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 53
  • Price: unknown; not yet listed on LEGO.com.

Check LEGO.com here

Lego DreamZzz 30698 Cooper's Flying Controller Minibuild


71487 Z-Blob's Robot and Vehicle Adventures

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 121
  • Price: US$9.99/ £8.99/ 9.99€/ AU$14.99

Other countries click here

Lego DreamZzz 71487 Z-Blob's Robot and Vehicle Adventures


71488  Bunchu's Creative Animal Adventures

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 143
  • Price: US$9.99/ £8.99/ 9.99€/ AU$14.99

Other countries click here

Lego DreamZzz 71488 Bunchu's Creative Animal Adventures


71489 Cooper's Gaming Controller Jet

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 266
  • Price: US$19.99/ £17.99/ 19.99€/ AU$29.99

Other countries click here

Lego DreamZzz 71489 Cooper's Flying Video Game Controller


71490 Izzie and Bunchurro the Gaming Bunny

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 252
  • Price: US$19.99/ £17.99/ 19.99€/ AU$29.99

Other countries click here

Lego DreamZzz 71490 Izzie and Bunchurro the Gaming Bunny


71491 Mateo with the Z-Blob Action Race Car

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 485
  • Price: US$49.99/ £44.99/ 49.99€/ AU$69.99

Other countries click here

Lego DreamZzz 71491 Mateo and the Z-Blob Action Racer


71497 Cooper's Tiger Mech & Zero's Hot Rod Car

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 1006
  • Price: US$99.99/ £89.99/ 99.99€/ AU$149.99

Other countries click here

Lego DreamZzz 71497 Cooper's Tiger Mech and Zero's Hot Rod Car


New moulds

Exhaust smoke with bar ends (6958)

a transparent lego piece shaped like a puff of cloud, in 2 colours
  • Exhaust smoke with bar ends in Trans-Dark Blue (6530956 | 6958) in sets 71489, 71490, 30698, 71497.
  • Exhaust smoke with bar ends in Trans-Bright Green (6510438 | 6958) in set 71491.

lego puff of cloud piece attached horizontally to a plate

The exhaust smoke element has 3.18mm bars on each end with an overall length of 7 modules and nearly 4 modules across. When attaching by both of the bars, the connection is a half-module short in length, requiring a jumper plate to achieve the connection – note the 2x2 jumper I used at the top.
This is a large 'cloudy puff' piece, as you can see when compared with some of the other elements that fit into this category:

6 different lego parts all shaped like some sort of cloud or vapour

From left to right we have: 
  • Flame / Vapor Trail 3 x 14 with Axle Hole (1995), 
  • the new Exhaust Smoke with bar ends (6958) in both colours, 
  • Cloud / Dust with bar (68547), 
  • Plate Special 3 x 5 Cloud with 3 Centre Studs (35470), 
  • Wave / Flame with Clip (80519) and 
  • Smoke / Bubbles with Anti-Stud (5533). 
If you haven't read Kev's exploration of the smoke/bubbles element, then you are in for a treat.

a lego model of a game controller with puffs of blue smoke coming out the ends

Although the new exhaust smoke elements are used in a few of the LEGO DreamZzz sets, their role is summarised nicely by their use in set 30698 Cooper's Flying Controller Mini Build.

Frilled Dome Z-Blob

a little transparent green lego ghost shaped piece with printed eyes

Frilled Dome with eye print in trans-bright green (6523330) appears in 3 sets: 71487, 71491, 71497. I've categorised this as a new mould, but note that it also appears in white (6525849) in 10342 Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet and Eero discussed this new piece in his review.

The new frilled dome joins the various iterations of Z-Blob; from the left we have, the Dreamling-sized Z-Blob,   2 x 2 x 1 2/3 dome  Z-Blob (6434203) and the Z-Blob print of the Bionicle Barraki Eye in trans-bright green (6508924).

3 lego z blob domes wearing different hats - a top hat, a crown and antlers

The great thing about the new Z-Blob is that they can be accessorised thanks to the 1.5mm pin hole at the top. Now he is ready for a day at Ascot, a Princess Party or the Z-Blob Christmas night out!

3 lego z blob green ghost dmes attached upside down to flower stem piece

I'm not sure how Z-Blob feels about this but he also makes a nice flower, albeit in a slightly odd colour. This is the way the new mould is used in 10342 Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet, as Eero discussed in his 10342 review

Flexible cable with 3.18mm ends (6955)

There's yet another flexible cable in town, adding to quite a large variety of vines, cables, tails, ropes and whips throughout the LEGO catalogue of elements.

lego curvy flexible axles in 2 colours
  • Cable, Curved Flexible with Bars on Each End, in: 

a bendy flexible lego cable with 2 parts clipped to it - a plate with clip, and a minifigure

The cable is interesting as, although it is flexible, it is also robust enough to hold some weight and resist flexing. The main section is also about 3.18mm, as you can see from the minifigure hand and the clip connected in position.

lego bendy cable piece secured to a lego plate with clips

In its relaxed state, the cable connects across 8 modules with one end set at about 45° to the other end.

4 lego bendy cables with both of the bar ends secured in hollow studs attached to a plate
The same plates but with one end freed: they have returned to their original wiggly shape

The cables are flexible but want to return to their original position if not held in place, similar to other flexible elements like the classic whip or the vine we first saw in LEGO® Avatar sets back in 2022. They can be manipulated into positions but they don't particularly enjoy the forced bending!

10 different flexible lego cables

Here are the new cables in position amongst other flexible elements. The most similar is the aforementioned Vine with Bar and Bar Hole shown above in bright light blue (6388510 | 1578), but this new element has bilateral bar ends and is thicker.

Cyber Brain

3 views of the Cyber Brain LEGO piece; a transparent pink truncated dome shape with opaque white plastic jagged patterning moulded over the crest. The shape is similar to a brain or perhaps a snail shell.

One 'Cyber Brain' brick, dual-moulded in trans-dark pink and white (6512375) appears in sets 71489, 71491, 71497. Used as an abdomen of the Cyber Brain Spiders, it's unquestionably a specialised shape, but upon further exploration it fits into LEGO® System better than it first appears.  

lego cyber brain brick surrounded by regular lego pieces to measure its geometry from the side

In terms of geometry, the element is 2 bricks high and the base has a 2x2 portion as the main attachment point, with a 1x2 rounded cutout that sits one plate higher at one end. However, the recessed studs extending from the other end widen the overall element length to 3.5 modules. 

Note that the side studs line up with the grid, while the stud on top is offset by half a module.

lego cyber brain piece connected alongside a lego bracket by a sideways lego plate, showing that their side studs extend the same distance away from the edge of the elements

The white covering projects the side-studs out by half a plate, just like a bracket does. This makes the overall element width slightly wider than 2 modules.

lego brick with stud on the side, and a lego cyber brain brick. They are connected via  a bar between their side-studs

They sit at the same height as the stud on SNOT bricks such as this 1x1 brick with one side stud.

lego cyber brain piece fitting snugly under a lego arch

The curve of the brain matches the 2-module radius of parts such as Arch 1 x 6 x 2 (15254) although there's a section missing at one end.

undersides of lego cyber brain pieces showing an axle connector

It's not easy to see in trans-dark pink, but the tube within the 2x2 portion is actually an axle hole, which adds another secure attachment point. This allows options such as a 2L axle or the 2L bar with stop shown above to connect two brains together.

a giant lego brain with eyes

Uniting two cyber brains does create a rather comical, huge brain... perhaps the potential for some alien MOCs here?

Plushie (6330)

cute purple lego plushy

The Plushie comes in set 71488 exclusively in medium lavender with a new print (6523334 | 6330), but the mould is not exclusive to LEGO DreamZzz. 

lego egg and lego plushie toy piece
lego plush toy piece laid on its back to show the hollow underside

The Plushie is the same height as the Egg (24946) but is obviously a wider element, with little arms and an indented anti-stud on the base to give the impression of feet.

The plushie mould appears in the latest LEGO® Minifigures with the Plush Toy Collector, 71048 Series 27 due for release 1 January 2025. One more plushie variant has been discussed by Toby in his analysis of all the new-for-January 2025 LEGO® Friends parts.

Corner brick curved 2 x 2 x 1 with curved top (5846)

lego 2x2x1 curved corner pieces in white and azure
lego 2x2x1 curved corner pieces in white and azure
  • 4x Corner Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 1 with Curved Top in White (6519991 | 5846)
  • 4x Corner Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 1 with Curved Top  in Dark Azure (6529613 | 5846)
Both of these colours of the new mould come in set 71490.

2 similar lego parts compared: Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 1 with Curved Top and Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top - Corner (67810)

The new Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 1 with Curved Top is basically Brick Curved 2 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top - Corner (67810) with its bottommost plate layer removed. Eero discussed the new Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 with Curved Top (5841) in his review of 10344 Lucky Bamboo and this mould follows the same pattern.

3 curved lego parts with matching curves

Its curve aligns with similar elements such as Curved Slope 1 x 2 x 1 (37352)  and Slope, Curved 3 x 2 with 4 Studs (6215). It makes sense to have this corner version to match the new Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 with Curved Top (5841), adding weight to the theory that these will replace the previous moulds over time.

Round 3 x 6 Half Circle (6957)

lego half-dome with a rabbit face printed on it
  • Curved Slope Round 3 x 6 Half Circle with print in Medium Lavender (6523347 | 6957) in 71490

lego half-dome rabbit face piece attached to a 6x6 round lego plate

This curved slope is a new mould that has the same footprint as Round Half Plate 3 x 6 with 1 x 2 Cutout (18646).  The mould is POOP, in that it is the equivalent to the adjacent placement of 2 Brick Round Corner, Curved 3 x 3 x 1 Quarter Circle (76797), an element we first looked at back in 2021.  Presumably the single mould is required as a semicircle to allow printing of the face without any disruption.

Helmet with crest (6889)

lego helmets with large curved crests on top.
  • Helmet with White Crest in Pearl Dark Grey/Titanium Metallic (6528261 | 6889) in 71490, 71497
  • Helmet with Trans-Red Crest in White (6509654 | 6889) in 71497
The dual-moulded white pattern on these beautiful new minifigure/Dreamling parts echoes the design of the Cyber Brain. The crest resembles a mohawk and also a curved blade, and is decorated with square bumps and square holes to add to the techno feel of the design.

A picture of the figures wearing them is included later in this article.

Neckwear armour

views of lego minifig with red shoulder pauldrons
  • Neckwear in Trans-Red (6532230) 
This new shoulder piece is worn by Zero in set 71497.

New prints

The first two prints are exclusive to set 71488 and can be categorised as cute or terrifying, depending on your perspective of a massive bunny that can turn into an elephant, snail, shark, crab, bird, baby bird, whale, turtle, giraffe, cat, teddy bear, squirr...[trails off] 

2 kinds of round lego tiles printed with an eye or face
  • 1x Tile Round 3 x 3 with print in Dark Azure (6523333) in 71488
  • 2x Tile Round 1 x 1 with print in Dark Pink (6528074)  in 71488

lego transpraent red tile with detailed pattern in 3 colours
  • Tile 1 x 2 with Groove with print in Trans-Red (6523340)  in 71489, 71491, 71497

2 different curved lego panels with printing - one with a skull, one with a stylised tiger face
  • 1x Slope Curved 4 x 5 x 1 2/3 with Facial Sculpture with print in Black (6523365) in 71497
  • 1x Large Figure Shoulder Cover, Armor, Round, Smooth with Bar with print in White (6523364) in 71497


There are no new recolours in 3069871487 or 71488. There are some rarer elements, but we can look at those when the sets are reviewed.

Cooper's Gaming Controller Jet

2 red lego parts
  • 4x Wedge Plate 4 Stud 45° Angle Plate in Red (6519440 | 15706)
  • 2x Wedge Curved 4 x 8 No Top Studs in Red (6468176 | 5382) does exist with print in red

2 lego parts
  • 12x Bracket 1 x 2 - 2 x 2 Inverted in Dark Azure (6439745 | 99207)
  • 2x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Medium Azure (6525399 | 77808) in 71489, 7149171497

3 hi-vis yellow lego pieces
  • 2x Flag 2 x 2 Trapezoid with Clips in Neon Yellow (6527224 | 80324)  in 71489, 7149171497
  • 1x Slope Curved 4 x 3 with 3 Layers in Neon Yellow (6527704 | 66955)
  • 2x Brick Curved 10 x 1 in Neon Yellow (6527706 | 13731)

Izzie and Bunchurro the Gaming Bunny

4 different blue lego pieces
  • 4x Slope Curved 2 x 1 Inverted in Medium Azure (6529615 | 24201)
  • 2x Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side in Dark Azure (6523387 | 11211) in 71490, 71491
  • 2x Tile Round 3 x 3 in Dark Azure (6529284 | 67095)
  • 1x Weapon Sword, Blade with Bar, Double Edge in Satin Trans-Light Blue (6530803 | 23860)

2 purple lego pieces

2 yellow lego pieces
  • 4x Wheel 18 x 8 with Fake Bolts and Deep Spokes with Inner Ring in Neon Yellow (6529084 | 13971) in 71490, 71497
  • 2x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Yellow (6529612 | 77808) in 71490, 71497

Mateo and the Z-Blob Action Race Car

3 green lego parts
  • 4x Tyre 43.2 x 22 ZR in Trans-Bright Green (6516975 | 44309)
  • 8x Slope Curved 2 x 1 No Studs [1/2 Bow] in Trans-Bright Green (6530510 | 11477)
  • 2x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Lime (6533506 | 77808) also in 71497
Seeing wheels in a transparent – or at least translucent – colour is certainly a thrill, but as it happens, there has been one instance in the past. The two basketball sets from 2003, 3432 NBA Challenge and 3433 NBA Ultimate Arenaire, included Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads (4213870 | 42611) in the colour Milky White, which The LEGO Group refer to as Colour ID 20 Transparent White, or "Nature" because it comprises of uncoloured ABS plastic.

3 lego pieces
  • 3x Brick Special 1 x 2 with 2 Studs on 1 Side in Dark Azure (6523387 | 11211)
  • 2x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Medium Azure (6525399 | 77808)
  • 1x Minifig Neckwear Scuba Breathing Regulator in Dark Purple (6531805 | 24135)

6 different vibrant yellow lego parts
  • 4x Wheel 30.4 x 20 without Pinholes, with Reinforced Rim in Neon Yellow (6533006 | 56145)
  • 3x Plate 1 x 6 in Neon Yellow (6525159 | 3666)
  • 4x Wheel 18 x 8 with Fake Bolts and Deep Spokes with Inner Ring in Neon Yellow (6529084 | 13971) in 71490, 71497
  • 4x Tile 2 x 2 Curved, Macaroni in Neon Yellow (6527654 | 27925)
  • 1x Game Controller / Weapon Hilt with Black Buttons in Neon Yellow (6533752)
  • 6x Flag 2 x 2 Trapezoid with Flared Area between Clips in Neon Yellow (6527224 | 80324)

Cooper's Tiger Mech & Zero's Hot Rod Car

2 lego pieces
  • 10x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Medium Azure (6525399 | 77808) in 7148971491, 71497
  • 1x Windscreen 2 x 4 Half Dome in Trans-Dark Pink (6545481 | 81911)

a lego piece in 2 colours
  • 3x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Lime (6533506 | 77808) in 71490
  • 3x Brick Special 1 x 2 Rounded with Center Bars in Yellow (6529612 | 77808) in 71490, 71497

vibrant hi-visibility yellow lego parts
  • 4x Flag 2 x 2 Trapezoid with Flared Area between Clips in Neon Yellow (6527224 | 80324) in 714897149171497
  • 4x Wheel 30.4 x 20 without Pinholes, with Reinforced Rim in Neon Yellow (6533006 | 56145) in 7149171497
  • 4x Wheel 18 x 8 with Fake Bolts and Deep Spokes with Inner Ring in Neon Yellow (6529084 | 13971) in 71490, 71497


For each of the sets, the new minifigure prints have been listed here.

Z-Blob's Robot and Vehicle Adventures

lego minifig in astronaut outfit

 The only new minifigure print in this set is the fantastic torso with slimey Futuron print (6529270).

Bunchu's Creative Animal Adventures

lego character izzie minifig with colourful transparent hair and a jacket

The only new printed element for Izzie is her Torso with print in yellow (6529279).

Cooper's Gaming Controller Jet & Cooper's Flying Controller Mini Build

red and white lego minifig

The Cooper minifigure used in both 71489, 71497 and 30698 is the same for all three sets. The new printed elements are as follows:

Izzie and Bunchurro the Gaming Bunny

various views of lego minifig izzie and a dreamling


  • 1x Legs with print in Medium Lavender (6537303)
  • 1x Torso with print in Coral (6529016)


  • 1x Minifig Head  with print in Black (6523345) in 71490, 71497
  • 1x Cyberling body with print in Black (6523346) in 71490, 71497
  • Helmet with White Mohawk in Pearl Dark Grey/Titanium Metallic (6528261) in 71490, 71497

Mateo and the Z-Blob Action Race Car

2 lego minifigs and a dreamling


  • 1x Hair Short Long Curls / Mop Top with print in Reddish Brown (6523477) - not the colour splotches are only Lime on this version of Mateo's hair.
  • 1x Torso with print in Dark Azure (6531587)
  • 1x Legs with print in Flat Silver (6523353)


  • 1x Minifig Head with print in Black (6523356)
  • 1x Torso with print in Neon Yellow (6531807)
  • 1x Legs with print in Dark Purple (6523358)
  • 1x Hair, Mohawk Wavy in Neon Yellow (6531802)

VR Dreamling

  • 1x Minifig Head with print in Light Aqua (6523359)

Cooper's Tiger Mech & Zero's Hot Rod Car

3 lego minifigures and 2 dreamlings


  • 1x Torso with print in Red (6532363)
  • 1x Legs with print in Black (6523363)
  • 1x Minifig Head with print in Black (6523361)
The same Cooper minifigure is used in 71489, 71497 and 30698. The new prints are listed earlier under those sets.


  • 1x Minifig Head with print in Yellow (6523366)
  • 1x Torso with print in Light Aqua (6537299)


  • 2x Minifig Head  with print in Black (6523345) in 71490, 71497
  • 2x Cyberling body with print in Black (6523346) in 71490, 71497

lego minifig and 2 dreamlimngs wearing cyber helmets with crests

The new Helmet with Mohawk elements are worn by Zero and the two Cyberlings in this set:
  • Helmet with White Crest in Pearl Dark Grey (6528261) in 71490, 71497
  • Helmet with Trans-Red Crest in White (6509654) in 71497

In summary

Phew! Well that summarises all the new elements in the upcoming LEGO DreamZzz sets in terms of new moulds, new prints and recolours. It's quite the list but there are some real gems in there and while not everyone will care for LEGO DreamZzz sets, the beauty of them is that I'm sure there's something new in there to please all builders. I'm still working on my love for neon yellow, but it fits with the futuristic, cyberpunk vibes in the LEGO DreamZzz theme!

green blob lego character inside a retro flying saucer with green exhaust coming out the bottom

I certainly found a few interesting new elements in there, in particular the Cyber Brain and my own personal favourite; the new Z-Blob.  I just can't stop playing and accessorising this new Z-Blob character, he's the perfect size for fun photos!

READ MORE: Also coming 1 January: 10355 Blacktron Renegade remake

Set 71490 on LEGO.com
Set 71491 on LEGO.com
Set 71497 on LEGO.com
Set 71487 on LEGO.com
Set 71488 on LEGO.com
Set 71489 on LEGO.com

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All text and images are ©2024 New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.


  1. The brain piece looks like it could pair well visually with the old Glatorian or Hero Factory (Ordeal of Fire/Savage Planet or Brain Attack era) style of head. I sort of want to get a few just to mess with, see if I can attach any masks or helmets to them.

  2. Great overview of all the new parts!

    The new Z-blob mold is cute and a closer match to his default appearance in the TV series than previous printed parts (as much as I've loved getting those sorts of basic eye-pattern prints on parts of various sizes). The accessory hole does open up potential for accessorizing, especially alongside new accessories in the Friends theme like the small ballcap and chef's hat.

    The new cyber brain mold is interesting and I sort of expect to see it used on a humanoid mech for the baddies before the year is up.

    The plushie part is cute (and by the way, it's medium lavender, not dark purple as the text says). I'm not that much of a fan of generic plushies like squishmallows in real life, but for a Lego part the generic shape allows for more variety than more specific plush parts like the teddy bear and bunny have in the past.

    The corner curved brick is yet another slope update. This one is good, though arguably the taller shape was useful too (in particular I'm thinking about the old part's use in the Super Mario 64 Question Block set—the old one only needed to be raised by a plate to form a perfect square corner, whereas this one will need to be raised by two).

    The 3x6 half circle piece reminds me of the 4x8 ones from the buildable Mickey and Minnie Mouse set, though this one is not dual molded (which probably makes it more likely to be used again).

    In terms of recolors I really love the use of neon yellow here—if nothing else it makes these sets stand out with a new aesthetic distinct from the previous Dreamzzz sets! The translucent tires are wild too.

    The minifigure designs in Dreamzzz are great as always. "Slime Futuron" is funny but I actually sort of prefer Izzie's bright and poppy jacket from the Bunchu set (which is generic enough that you could use it in a "real world" display just as easily). The new villain characters look INCREDIBLE—D-Shock is probably my favorite with both the incredibly vibrant neon yellow and the really unique off-register red and azure printing that sort of suggests a visual glitch or parallax effect.

    1. Ah thanks - don't know what I was thinking with the Dark Purple error duh!

    2. You're entirely right about the cyber brain being used in a mech, that's supposed to be one of the sets in next summer's wave.

      I also agree that the chromatic abberation design is very unusual for a LEGO figure. I think this is the first time they've done anything like that.

  3. The new helmets with mohawk look more like titanium metallic/pearl dark grey to me than flat silver?

    1. You may be correct, I'll double check - thank you!

    2. I was going to say the same thing.

  4. I was hoping for the flex cable to have a metal wire inside. I wonder why Lego has never done this. Safety maybe? We could really use a 3mm tube in a softer rubber with a metal wire in it.

    1. Yes we thought that might be the case too from the promo images but renders are always hard to decipher.

    2. I feel like durability would be an issue with that... it could be hard to have the rubbery plastic coating outlast a wire inside. I feel like even if the wire didn't cause the plastic to wear away, a wire-filled piece getting kinks in it could be less appealing when it comes to long-term use.

    3. Lego don't want to complicated the process of manufacturing. Having metal inside a plastic requires a new, separate machines. This is the reason we don't have 9v system pieces anymore or any current transfer system except cables. At the scale of lego operation this is a huge investment. And then there are safety reasons, durability reasons and so on.

    4. In terms of durability I think the wire would fail first. Bend a thin wire back and forth a few times and it'll basically fall in half. And then you'd have two wire ends poking at the coating, which would probably be enough to puncture a hole soon enough. Overall high cost and risk for an armature that's comparatively not very useful, unfortunately.

  5. I'm surprised Zero's shoulder armor has a new number. It's not really a new part:


    Cool color tho.

    1. That's the case sometimes with transparant pieces. I'm not sure why.

    2. All modern parts have a different mould for transparent parts because the plastic expands in a different way in the production process and needs slightly different tolerances

    3. You mean older parts? I thought that Lego had recently changed the transparent material in order for it to work with the same moulds (and that was the reason we were seeing that many transparent versions of parts nowadays)

    4. I'm not sure whether or not the material would be the same in this case—MABS and ABS (both used for hard plastic pieces like bricks) have similar properties but I don't know whether that'd be the case for softer plastics such as the one used for these shoulders.

      And of course it could simply be a mold update that will be used for all colors of this shoulder pad piece going forward.

    5. It has the same design (mold) number (35635). The element (PCC) number is specific to color/printed design. Trans-red is a NEW color.

  6. I kinda want some of those crested helmets to make a futuristic Roman-style legion

  7. Those little guys with the Roman style helmets look like Marvin the Martian!

  8. wait, "neon" trans green is back???!?!?
