25 March 2025

Pick a Brick: Create a Minifigure online – UK beta test underway

Posted by Tim Johnson

Recently we gave you a sneak preview of an exciting new web app on the LEGO.com Pick a Brick site: Create a Minifigure. As of today, the beta version has gone live in the UK! Unfortunately it is not available elsewhere.

screenshot of Lego Pick a Brick Create a Minifig app on desktop website, also available on mobile

Design your own minifigure from the available parts – you can create up to 40 minifigures in one order. Once you have designed one, it's easy to duplicate it too, for personal army building!

This article contains affiliate links to LEGO.com; we may get a small commission if you purchase.

Feel free to check it out on mobile too, because it was designed primarily to be used on mobile devices.  

The service offers a large number of the minifigure elements available on Pick a Brick, but nothing exclusive. It is effectively a nicer way to purchase minifigure elements. 

Notably the skin tones are all yellow currently. The FAQs provide this answer: "Create a Minifigure is a brand new experience that we are testing for a limited time. As a result, some features and parts are currently limited. However, more customisation options may be added over time to enhance your LEGO® minifigure-building experience."

Prices are clearly marked, and indeed the menus of elements are arranged from cheapest to most expensive – a very kind way to help us spend less... perhaps? 

The images are high resolution, which is great, although they do take a moment to load, I'm noticing.

Even if you are not in the UK, you can try out the UK version, but you cannot purchase:

Pick a Brick: Create a Minifigure

They welcome feedback from people have tried it out, especially regarding the functionality. There is a feedback form linked to from the site. 

Naturally it is disappointing only the UK get this beta trial, but the team explained they chose that market because it is relatively large, which was suitable for this project. 


READ MORE: Pick a Brick USA & Canada: Standard elements are back

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  1. Interesting endeavor, although I'd like to see more heads with natural skintones.

  2. Definitely just a different interface for ordering minifig PaB elements. No fleshtone heads is likely because this scheme is for complete figs and mixed yellow/flesh isn't an appealing presentation for one of their primary trademarks. Since the manufacturing line is identical to PaB, customizing hand tones with heads is far too advanced.
