11 March 2025

Review: 40762 Mixed Flowerpot GwP from LEGO® Botanicals

Posted by Admin

It's proving to be quite the year for LEGO® Botanicals! They've become their own line with their own logo, released some stunning sets with new moulds, taken over LEGO® House and had their first ever Gift with Purchase (GwP) – and now, here is their second already.

close up view of set 40762 Mixed Flowerpot GwP from Lego Botanical Collection

40762 Mixed Flowerpot
, now available in New Zealand and Australia, is a gorgeous model featuring a range of stunning LEGO flowers. If you are a fan of the LEGO Botanicals theme, you simply cannot miss out from adding this to your collection. If you have never built one, this is the perfect taster set to find out what all the fuss is about! 

Products in this article were gifted by The LEGO Group; the author's opinions are their own.
This article contains affiliate links to LEGO.com; we may get a small commission if you purchase.

40762 Mixed Flowerpot GwP

  • Available: 12 to 21 March 2025 with all purchases (excluding pre-orders) reaching the minimum thresholds below, while stocks last
  • Pieces: 253
  • Measures: 8 in. (20 cm) high, 4 in. (10 cm) wide and 4.5 in. (11 cm) deep
Thresholds, and link to product:

Other countries click here

Lego GwP 40762 Mixed Flowerpot




Strictly speaking, there is one unique recoloured element in this set:

lego dome piece in a light peach colour
  • Brick Round 2 x 2 Dome Top - Vented Stud with Bottom Axle Holder x Shape + Orientation in Light Nougat (6429066 | 3262
Part 3262 is yet another variant of the 2x2 dome, but the change has no impact upon building – it's simply a vented stud hole now. So this is essentially the same as the light nougat Hollow Stud with Bottom Axle Holder x Shape + Orientation (6384238 | 30367c) which appeared in 2 sets in 2023.

However, don't be disappointed because there are many elements in the set which have only appeared in a handful of other sets before!

Rare parts

There are 5 elements that have only appeared in one other set so far:

5 different lego parts

Then, there are another 7 elements which have been included in just 4 other sets or fewer:

7 lego pieces

  • 2 x Brick Round 4 x 4 Dome Top with Round 2 x 2 Recessed, 4 Studs in Bright Light Orange (6524506 | 79850) has only appeared in 2 other sets from January 2025
  • 1 x Plant, Flower Stem with Bar and 6 Stems in Tan (6463564 | 19119) first appeared in 10329 Tiny Plants and recently appeared in the previous LEGO Botanicals GwP, 30701 Field Flowers. Read Eero's review of set 30701
  • 5 x Pneumatic T-Piece (T Bar) [New Style] in Tan (6470076 | 4697) has been in 3 other sets, but this has a higher quantity than any of them
  • 4 x Brick Special 1 x 1 with Headlight and Slot in Magenta (6443851 | 4070) has been in 3 other sets
  • 1 x Plate Special 1 x 1 with Hole Through Stud, 3 Bars and 3 Bar Holes in Pearl Gold (6488988 | 1941) has been in 3 sets
  • 2x Technic Pin Connector Hub with 1 Axle in Bright Green (6476580 | 22961) in 3 other sets
  • 15 x Plant, Flower, Peony Rose with 2 Layers in Orange (6515227 | 5904) has been in 4 sets, but never in this quantity! 

The build

40762 Mixed Flowerpot is an intense little build with some delicate flowers made of weird pieces to get yourself lost in and, of course, a bit of dreaded repetition. These are aspects common to LEGO Botanicals sets, and so this GwP truly is a taster for the theme, in more ways then one.

I made a little animation as I built the set.

I can't tell you the names of all the flowers represented, as I'm no florist and the product description (nor the building instructions) explain. I might hazard a guess that the sand green leaves are eucalyptus? Please enlighten me and I will update this post!

close up of a lego pink persian buttercup

I can tell you that the Persian buttercup from 10345 Flower Arrangement is replicated here, but in shades of pink. Despite being the only repetition, it is the most complex and intriguing of these builds.

lego flower made of bright light yellow butterflies on a gold core stem

The flower made with lots of bright light yellow butterflies also uses great elements within: the aforementioned pearl gold hexagonal Ninjago Aeroblade Center (1941) and the tan stalk with 6 stems (4697), as well as 3 of the new 1x1 round plate with underside clip (5264) in pearl gold – my first ones!

green stalks with orange flowers, made from lego pieces

The tall green stalks with orange flowers are extremely effective, bringing height and contrast to the arrangement, as well as generous supplies of the new peony piece (5904) and the reddish orange 1x1 flower piece (6475523 | 24866). Those 1x1s are hell to remove from the peonies, though!

 The two yellowish orange flowers make excellent use of the beautiful undersides of elements, but are the most basic builds here. 

lavender purple cluster of flower buds made of lego

The two lavender clusters (hydrangea, is my guess?) are a clever build, with the undersides of the 2x2 round jumpers creating depth.

white round lego pot with decorative feet

The pot is small but richly decorated, and effective. I certainly appreciate the inclusion of four white 5x5 rounded corner slope bricks (6448375 | 76795, 3374) originally from 10295 Porsche 911 Turbo & 911 Targa. I'm also happy simply getting a pot in such a small set – usually customers are expected to locate their own containers. Like 10345 Flower Arrangement, the pot contains lots of bars so you can arrange the flowers as you wish.


This is an absolutely superb gift with purchase, made better still by the fact it is not tied to purchases in any particular theme (although as usual, pre-orders do not qualify). I feel it is a reasonable threshold, too. 

the completed gift with purchase 40762 lego botanicals mixed flowerpot

It provides a bite-size taste of the full LEGO Botanicals experience; I wouldn't be surprised if the brief was "make a small version of 10345 Flower Arrangement". It will sit nicely alongside that set, or indeed, you can swap flowers between the two.

I can't recall the last GwP to be such a fantastic parts pack. The quantities, and the rarities, are a huge surprise for a small set. 

READ MORE: Review: 43262 Maleficent's and Cruella De Vil's Dresses from LEGO® Disney

More LEGO Botanicals set reviews

If you want to start or add to your LEGO Botanicals collection, here is a run down for you including links to purchase, as well as links to our set reviews which always detail the interesting new pieces found in each.

10329 Tiny Plants – see our review of set 10329 by Thomas

Lego Icons 10329 Tiny Plants


10343 Mini Orchid – see our review of set 10343 by Eero

10344 Lucky Bamboo – see our review of set 10344 by Eero

Lego Botanicals 10344 Lucky Bamboo


10342 Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet – see our review of set 10342 by Eero

Lego Botanicals 10342 Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet


10370 Poinsettia – see our review of set 10370 by Tom 

Lego Icons 10370 Poinsettia


10340 Wreath – see our review of set 10340 by Tom

Lego Icons 10340 Wreath


10369 Plum Blossom – see our review of set 10369 by Eero

Lego Icons (Botanicals) 10369 Plum Blossom


10368 Chrysanthemum – see our review of set 10368 by Eero

Lego Icons (Botanicals) 10368 Chrysanthemum & Plum Blossom


10328 Bouquet of Roses – see our review of set 10328 by Eero

Lego Icons 10328 Bouquet of Roses


40524 Sunflowers – see our review of set 40524 by Caz

Lego Iconic 40524 Sunflowers


10281 Bonsai Tree – see our review of set 10281 by Thomas 

Lego  10281


10280 Flower Bouquet – see our review of set 10280 by Thomas

Lego  10280



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All text and images are ©2025 New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.

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