Showing posts with label LEGO® Super Mario™. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEGO® Super Mario™. Show all posts

10 March 2025

Reveal: 72037 Mario Kart™– Mario & Standard Kart from LEGO® Super Mario™

Posted by Admin

Happy MAR10 Day everyone! What better day to reveal that, on top of the LEGO® Super Mario™ offers available, you can also pre-order a new set coming in May 2025! 

man adjusting the angle of lego super mario kart model

Just revealed, 72037 Mario Kart™– Mario & Standard Kart is a nearly 2000-piece model of Mario bouncing around in his kart. It looks like a really interesting model to build, so let's take a closer look.

08 August 2023

LEGO® Super Mario™ parts review + MOCs: 71417 Fliprus Snow Adventure and 71419 Peach's Garden Balloon Ride

Posted by Eero

Today I'm looking at parts from two 2023 LEGO® Super Mario™ sets, 71417 Fliprus Snow Adventure and 71419 Peach's Garden Balloon Ride. I'll also present two new MOCs inspired by the parts from these sets, and there are building instructions for Patreon supporters. Let's-a-go!

13 January 2023

LEGO® Super Mario™ review & MOC: 71408 Peach’s Castle Expansion Set

Posted by Tom Loftus

In August 2022 the world of LEGO® Super Mario™ expanded yet again with 71408 Peach’s Castle Expansion Set. Today we're playing a bit of catch up with a look at the new elements and prints it introduces, as well as a handful of MOCs inspired by its inventory.

25 November 2022

LEGO® Super Mario™ review + MOCs: 71411 The Mighty Bowser

Posted by Kev Levell

For the uninitiated, Mario’s archenemy is Bowser, a turtle like creature with dragon-like features. Also known as King Koopa, the big boss kidnapper of Princess Peach is depicted in LEGO® Super Mario™ set 71411 The Mighty Bowser at a suitably magnificent scale. 

Will this LEGO power-up set be collecting all of your gold coins? Let’s jump down the warp-pipe and see where it takes us, as I review its parts and build, and create some original MOCs.

04 July 2022

LEGO® Super Mario Luigi's Mansion review: 71401 Haunt-and-Seek

Posted by Zachary Hill

Products in this article were provided by LEGO®; the author's opinions are their own.

The frightful foes of Luigi's Mansion return for New Elementary's final review of the January 2022 LEGO® Super Mario sets. With three more spooky enemies, seven clever gameplay modules and enough details to call the vile villa a home, Haunt-and-Seek is the ultimate Luigi's Mansion expansion.

20 January 2022

LEGO® Super Mario review: Luigi’s Mansion and Seaside sets

Posted by Admin

Zachary Hill (@zaxbrix) continues his LEGO® Super Mario 2022 analysis with reviews of 71396 Bowser Jr.’s Clown Car, 71397 Luigi’s Mansion™ Lab and Poltergust, 71399 Luigi’s Mansion Entryway, 71398 Dorrie’s Beachfront, 71400 Big Urchin Ride and the 71402 Series 4 Character Packs. Buying Super Mario sets from Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.

Mario is finally sharing the spotlight of the LEGO® Super Mario theme with his brother Luigi. Today we’re reviewing two Luigi’s Mansion™ sets, three other Super Mario sets, and the Series 4 Character Packs. There’s new gameplay elements, familiar faces from every era of Mario, and ghost hunting. The new parts introduced have already been examined, so let’s jump into the full sets!

22 December 2021

LEGO® Super Mario 2022: New Parts in Luigi’s Mansion and Seaside Sets

Posted by Admin

Zachary Hill (@zaxbrix) examines the bricks in LEGO® Super Mario sets 71396 Bowser Jr.’s Clown Car, 71397 Lab and Poltergust, 71398 Dorrie’s Beachfront, 71399 Entryway, 71400 Big Urchin Beach Ride and 71402 Character Packs Series 4. Buying them from Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.

The LEGO® Super Mario theme shows no signs of slowing down with a new wave of sets arriving in  January 2022, bringing with it useful new elements, recolours of old favourite parts, and ghostly sets celebrating Luigi’s contributions to the Mario franchise. New E has five sets from the new wave and the whole collection of Series 4 Character Packs - today we’re inspecting every new LEGO piece to be introduced on 1 January. Let’s-a go!

23 September 2021

LEGO® Super Mario™ build review: 71395 Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block

Posted by Admin

Victor Pruvost (@leewanlego) completes his review of LEGO® 71395 Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block today. Having examined its parts last week, he now looks at the build itself. Buying this set once it's released in October? Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop | UK LEGO Shop/for Europe 'Change region'. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.

The bags are numbered from 1 to 13. Bags 1 to 5 make the structure of the cube, bags 6 to 12 are used to build the game levels, and with bag 13 you close the cube. 

16 September 2021

LEGO® Super Mario™ parts review: 71395 Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block

Posted by Admin

Victor Pruvost (@leewanlego) starts his review of LEGO® 71395 Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block by examining its parts. Buying this set once it's released in October? Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop | UK LEGO Shop/for Europe 'Change region'. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.

The latest LEGO® Super Mario™ set, 71395 Super Mario 64 Question Mark Block, has recently been revealed and will be available from 1 October 2021 priced US$169.99/ £159.99/ €169.99/ AU$289.99/ CA$199.99. Today we’re going to examine the contents of this mysterious yellow box. Ready? Let’s-a go!

15 July 2021

LEGO® Super Mario August 2021: the new recolours

Posted by Admin

Ben Davies (@ProfBrickkeeper) has analysed the whole summer 2021 LEGO® Super Mario range - sets 71360, 71387, 71389, 71391, 71393 and 71394 – to show you all the parts that have been colour changed for this latest wave. Buying any? Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop | UK LEGO Shop/for Europe 'Change region'.

Following our exclusive coverage of the new moulds that would be appearing in the August 2021 wave of LEGO® Super Mario sets, today we will be looking at part recolours you can expect to find in the upcoming sets. A total of 46 recolours appear across the upcoming wave, in 18 different colors. 

22 June 2021

LEGO® Super Mario August 2021: The New Moulds

Posted by Admin

Ben Davies (@ProfBrickkeeper) reveals the exciting new moulds coming in the August 2021 LEGO® Super Mario sets: 71387 Adventurers with Luigi Starter Course, 71390 Reznor Knockdown, 71391 Bowser’s Airship, 71392 Frog Mario Power-Up Pack and 71393 Bee Mario Power-Up Pack. Buying LEGO Super Mario sets? Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.

Since its debut a year ago, the LEGO® Super Mario theme has consistently offered up a plentiful supply of exciting new elements, including new moulds, recolours, and decorations. To celebrate the newly-unveiled third wave of sets in the theme, we here at New Elementary will be taking an exclusive look at all the new elements arriving this August. Today, we’ll begin by looking at several new moulds which appear across the upcoming wave.

13 June 2021

LEGO® Super Mario review: 71381 Chain Chomp Jungle Encounter & 71382 Piranha Plant Puzzling Challenge

Posted by Admin

Nicolas Geeraert returns today to complete our coverage of  January 2021 LEGO® Super Mario, looking at the smaller sets 71381 and 71382. Buying these? Consider using our affiliate links, New Elementary may get a commission: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. Products in this article were provided by LEGO; the author's opinions are their own.

Today, we are reviewing two further sets from the January wave of LEGO® Super Mario, namely 71381 Chain Chomp Jungle Encounter and 71382 Piranha Plant Puzzling Challenge. Both sets are situated in the Soda Jungle world of the Super Mario Universe. Thus we can expect lots of purple to represent the poisoned soda and a series of matching enemies.

28 April 2021

LEGO® Super Mario review: 71383 Wiggler's Poison Swamp

Posted by Admin

Nicolas Geeraert, a UK-based builder and former contestant in LEGO® Masters, is our special guest reviewer today. He's taking a look at the parts in the 2021 LEGO Super Mario set 71383 Wiggler’s Poison Swamp. Buying this £34.99 / US$39.99 / 39.99€ set? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission. The products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this.

Alongside the Character Pack Series 2, a series of LEGO® Super Mario sets was released at the start of 2021 including 71383 Wiggler’s Poison Swamp. This is my first experience with the Super Mario sets, and so the lack of a Mario figure prevented me from reviewing the gameplay, but that should not spoil the fun. The set brings some great new parts and recolours, with a new SNOT element as the highlight.

27 January 2021

LEGO® Super Mario review: 71380 Master Your Adventure Maker Set

Posted by Admin
Tim Goddard (@tim_goddard928) continues our LEGO® Super Mario coverage today with 71380 Master Your Adventure Maker Set as he lists its new parts, prints and exclusive 2021 Super Mario barcode stickers. Buying this 366-piece set? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | USA LEGO Shop | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission. The products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this.

‘Master your Adventure Maker Set’ - what an impressive name! In order to use any of the Super Mario sets to their full potential you need the 71360 Adventures with Mario starter set, but this is sort of an additional starter set to space out other expansions you might have purchased and to give a bit of room for your character packs to be displayed or line up an attack against any passing plumbers.

That is not all: it comes with some new play features, a special ‘customisation machine’, a 30 second pipe and some new characters.  We will look at them a bit later but first on to the parts.

28 December 2020

LEGO® Super Mario Power-Up Pack reviews: 71384 Penguin Mario & 71385 Tanooki Mario

Posted by Admin
Tim Goddard (@tim_goddard928) returns with more LEGO® Super Mario reviews today by looking at the two Power-Up Packs for the Mario figure – which unfortunately he does not own! The products in this and our other 2021 LEGO Super Mario articles were provided free by LEGO (the author's opinions are not biased by this) and we weren't aware at time of acceptance that the range does not include the figure. Buying Mario sets? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | UK Amazon | USA LEGO Shop | USA Amazon | Australia LEGO Shop, for other countries 'Change Region'. New Elementary may get a commission. 

In this, the second wave of Super Mario sets, we get two new Power-Ups to upgrade our hero: 71384 Penguin Mario & 71385 Tanooki Mario, priced £8.99/ US$9.99/ 9.74€. There are new moulds and some recoloured hats and overalls to provide him with his new outfits. Mario’s body is not supplied with these two sets, which the packaging makes very clear, and is indeed at pains to point out that the starter course set 71360 Adventures with Mario with its barcodes is needed. I do not have that set and therefore no Mario to dress up, but no matter, I have a plan!

20 December 2020

LEGO® Super Mario review: 71386 Character Packs – Series 2

Posted by Admin
We will be examining some 2021 LEGO® Super Mario sets over the coming weeks, starting today as Tim Goddard (@tim_goddard928) analyses the 10 blind bags of 71386 Character Packs Series 2, which are priced £3.49/ US$4.99/ 3.99€. Buying these when they are released on 1 January 2021? Consider using our affiliate links: USA LEGO Shop at Home|UK LEGO Shop at Home. New Elementary may get a commission. The products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this.

I did not pick up any of the little Super Mario impulse polybags from Series 1 so I was not sure what to expect prior to reviewing the Character Packs from Series 2. Now that I have, it seems that I’ve been missing out!

I have been a casual Super Mario player in my time. I played a couple of games on the GameCube (showing my age there) and enjoyed some handheld adventures along with a bit of Mario Kart but I am not by any means a hardcore plumber nut. Even so, every bag I opened was a joy. A combination of nostalgia, great design and a flurry of interesting parts poured out of each one.

14 October 2020

LEGO® set review: 71374 Nintendo Entertainment System

Posted by Admin
Yesterday in part one, Ben Davies looked at the new pieces in 71374 LEGO® Nintendo Entertainment System and today in part 2, he reveals the interesting techniques he found in its build. The products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this. If you're buying this set, consider using our LEGO Shop at Home affiliate links: USA or UK. New Elementary earn from qualifying purchases.
The box for the LEGO® Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is appropriately massive, measuring 58 x 47.7 x 12.1 cm (22.8 x 18.8 x  4.8 in). Like other large sets, the first several bags of parts, as well as the bagged instructions and stickers, come in a white cardboard sub-box.

13 October 2020

LEGO® parts review: 71374 Nintendo Entertainment System

Posted by Admin
Following his extensive analysis of the LEGO® Super Mario sets, today Ben Davies returns to give the same thorough treatment to the 2646-piece 71374 LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System. The products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this. If you're buying this set which is priced £209.99/ US$229.99/ 224.19€DE, consider using our LEGO Shop at Home affiliate links: USA or UK. New Elementary earn from qualifying purchases.

Before diving into the building process of 71374 LEGO® Nintendo Entertainment System in our next post, let's first take a look at its parts – starting with the new moulds that have been introduced for the set.

17 August 2020

LEGO® Super Mario interview: Jonathan Bennink & Christian Munk

Posted by Admin
Back in May, Tim Johnson and Francesco Spreafico from New Elementary interviewed 2 LEGO® employees about the new Super Mario theme: Jonathan Bennink (Design Manager - Creative Play Lab) and Christian Munk (Marketing Director Lead - Reality & Games) including some questions from our patrons. Their answers give great insight and understanding as to why these sets were designed the way they have been! 

©2020 The LEGO Group
First, could you tell us a bit about yourselves?

I'm Jonathan Bennink, I've worked at LEGO for 6 years now. I started at LEGO Dimensions but 4 years ago, I got the Creative Lead on the Nintendo collaboration. And that was just, yeah, gig of a lifetime! This is a dream I didn't even know I had – to work for LEGO, and then also for Nintendo? Super cool.

My name is Christian Munk and I'm in marketing on LEGO Super Mario, so a part of the Product and Marketing Development team on it. I've been with LEGO for a little more than 11 years now, in various sales and marketing roles; now mainly working on gaming IPs and product lines that have technology in them, so for instance LEGO Boost and Minecraft and so on. I'm so lucky to have been working on LEGO Super Mario for the last couple of years.

04 August 2020

LEGO® Super Mario 2020: The Prints and... Stickers?

Posted by Admin
Today, Ben Davies continues his thorough examination of the new pieces in the LEGO® Super Mario sets including the barcodes. Buying Super Mario LEGO? Consider using our affiliate links: UK LEGO Shop | UK Amazon | USA LEGO Shop - for other countries, Change Region | USA Amazon. New Elementary may get a commission. The products in this article were provided for free by LEGO; the author's opinions are not biased by this.

Following our coverage of the LEGO® Super Mario’s new moulds and recolours, today we’re turning our attention to the many new printed and stickered pieces that have been introduced for the theme.